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Sunday, January 30, 2011

palm tree

 Back from egypt/sharm el sheikh, this mani i had on my nails over 1week:)

this is a sunset on roof pool:P

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

free hand

Sa stiti ca am sters marginile unghiilor chiar de 2 ori insa aparatul tot a mai gasit ceva dar in realitate nu se vede absolut deloc:)


with artificial light

with flash

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Boicotati benzinariile OMV si Petrom

Perioada boicotului nelimitata! Sau pana la scaderea preturilor cu un procentaj decent!

Doar impreuna putem stopa cresterea nejustificata a preturilor carburantilor din Romania!

O scadere a vanzarilor de 15-20% ii poate face sa renunte la preturile nejustificate ale carburantilor din Romania.

Boicotul poate fi efectuat si de persoanele care nu detin un automobil! Nu achizitionati nimic din benzinariile OMV si Petrom, sa vedem cat timp rezista pana incep sa scada preturile la carburanti.

Crestem prin bun simt si responsabilitate ne indemna un slogan publicitar... Va rugam sa ne aratati bunul simt si responsabilitatea fata de clienti prin preturi care reflecta adevaratul cost al carburantilor!

    Fetelor chiar daca nu aveti auto sa nu considerati ca pe voi nu va afecteaza pentru ca pretul carburantului se reflecta in tot  chiar si in produsele noastre pentru unghiute asa ca va rog sa postati toate acest articol sa ajunga la cat mai  multi oameni
   Aici va puteti alatura celor ce sustin acest protest!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

nail art with acrylic colours :) pictura cu vopsele acrilice

  I must practice someway  and on my nails is not easy so i tryed on artificial tips and this is what i did ...are my first free hand design on tips with acrylic colours and arent very good:(

My acrylic colours :)

this are my acrylic colours and my nail art brushes

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

free hand

i love acrylic paints and the fact that is very easy to use them as a base and for design also

Friday, January 7, 2011

free hand design

it is a very simple design but i wanted from long time agow the color from base but never got a polish like this , now i can have all the color that i want from the basic acrylic paint and i love this!!!
 withouth falsh
 with flash
with flas

Thursday, January 6, 2011

an other free hand mani

what i was trying to do last nighte : my second free hand design only with acrylic paint (including the base color)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

free hand design

  This is my first free hand design with acrylic painting colors ...i dont like it to much but i have to ghet used with the brushes and stuff and in the future hope ghet something pretier!!!
    What do u think?!