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Saturday, April 2, 2011


     Hello girls

  this is my first video or better say my first try of it ...still trying to find a good angle for my camera and any advice is helpfull


  1. wow nice tutorial I'll try this design :) I think the camera angle is right but has some focus problem. Maybe thats because of you are too fast :)

  2. ty i though of that too i will try slow next time

  3. mai vazut pe youtube ca tipa sta cumva in spatele camerei (camera fiind pusa undeva la nivelul pieptului sau ceva mai jos, pe masa, banuiesc, dar tot in aceeasi directie in care se uita si ea) si astfel se vede mai de aproape modelul. Nu prea m-am facut inteleasa, dar oricum, e foarte greu sa poti filma in timp ce faci modelul..
